
Category: Labor and Employment Law

William J. Tucker Law > Blog > Labor and Employment Law

Bonuses and Gifts Under the Fair Labor Standards Act

All employers know that their “non-exempt” employees (e.g., employees who are not managers or professional personnel) must be paid no less than the minimum wage prescribed by federal and/or state wage and hours laws.  All employers also know that federal and state laws require an employer to pay non-exempt employees 1 ½ times (or sometimes […]

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Wage Statements Employers Must Provide Employees

The California Labor Code and Orders issued by the Industrial Wage Commission requirehttps://www.williamjtuckerlaw.com/wage-statements-employers-must-provide-employees/ employers to provide employees with nine items of information every pay period, and impose penalties on employers for failing to do so. The Nine items Wage Statements Must Contain  Labor code section 226(a) requires that employers provide each of the following items […]

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